Donald Trump Full Interview With Mark Levin, About Biden’s Many Crises

Donald Trump sat down with constitutionalist Mark Levin to announce his new book “Our Journey Together” and discuss the peril our homeland is in presently. Trump BLASTED the Biden Administration for their humiliating and botched withdrawal from Afghanistan earlier this year. Trump said earlier in the interview that I was all set up to withdraw with dignity and tremendous strength. Nobody was going to be killed or injured. We weren’t leaving $85 billion behind; we weren’t leaving 10 cents behind. Trump said, ‘Every bolt, every screw, every nail comes out! 🙂

Donald Trump full interview with Mark Levin 11/21/21. Video credit, FoxNews/Rumble.

Fox News Reports: Trump added that he does not think there’s ever been anything so terrible and that nobody discusses the soldiers injured in the Kabul bombing. He said he met with “many of the parents” of the 13 soldiers killed, and they cannot believe this happened to their child. Donald’s new book is available on 12/07/21 and can be ordered on Amazon, or

Trump also knocked Joe Biden for high gas prices, saying that “inflation is eating our people alive.” As for the border crisis, nobody’s had borders like America; even in “the most remote places of the world. Trump cited “millions and millions of people just coming in here unchecked, claiming that “countries are emptying the ails into the United States like a dumping ground. By contrast, Trump saw his presidency as “a beautiful period, made more beautiful by the catastrophic events that have taken place over the last ten months. Such events should have never happened, he added. The former president waxed nostalgically about his administration despite labeling Democrats sick for his two phony impeachments, neither of which succeeded. Check out our MAGA Rally Archive.

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